52mm Diameter

Due to the advantage of our state-of-the-art infrastructure, we manufacture and supply a wide variety of Aerosol Cans also known as pressurized cans. Manufactured in accordance with international norms, our entire collection of aerosol cans is known for their features such as classy printing, leakproof, lightweight, unbreakable, and resistant to corrosion/light /heat.


Product Specification





Height 122mm to 255mm

Available for:

1. Pesticides
2. Insecticides
3. Mold Release Agent
4. Anti Rust agents
5. Shaving Foam
6. Deodorants and body sprays
7. Greases
8. Paints
9. Hair spray
10. Auto products
11. Medical products (like pain relievers)
12. Cleaning products
13. Food products (Whipped cream etc.)


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